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Wednesday 18 September 2013

Dangerous Illusions!

If there's one piece of European legislation that is bound to arouse the antipathy of most British citizens, especially those with a heavily anti-EU inclination, it has to be the infamous Human Rights Act, otherwise known as the charlatans charter, which is so beloved by the army of Islamic extremists, illegal economic migrants and international war criminals, who have chosen to call our country home. Rarely a week goes by without some piece of the world's most objectionable human flotsam and jetsam washing up to lay claim to their human rights in racially tolerant Britain, where national government typically show scant regard for any threat that such migrants might pose to the indigenous people's of our islands. If there is one particular piece of European legislation that might finally help convince the British population that they would be "better off out" of the European Union, it must surely be this dismally dishonest piece of legal chicanery, which has been deliberately manipulated to serve the best interests of the wrongdoer, rather than the righteous. How appropriate then that during his closing speech at today's Liberal Democrat conference, their leader, Nick Clegg, should publicly proclaim that it was thanks to his party; and his party alone that the European Human Rights Act had been preserved in the UK, in order to allow even more extremists, illegal migrants and international war criminals to come and settle in our country. Thanks very much Nick! Thanks to your party, our country has now become a receptacle for every low-life criminal and religious extremist that yearns to set up home here; and to prey on the law-abiding citizenry of the UK.
Mind you, this isn't the first foot-in-mouth moment we've had from the Liberal Democrats this week, so the fact that Mr Clegg decided to go on a completely delusional rant about breaking the two-party political system forever, the necessity of Lib Dems to national governance; and how him and his party have acted as an brake to the Conservatives and their extreme socio-economic policies, was probably just the sort of tonic that he and his party needed after the endless public savaging they've received over the past three years. It really is astonishing to think that these supposedly clever politician's really do believe that they can hoodwink the British electorate so easily. Attack Labour, attack the Conservatives; and the public will suddenly forget the Liberal Democrats part in privatising the NHS, cutting Welfare, cutting the Public Sector workforce and introducing the Bedroom Tax. After all, it wasn't their fault, it was the last Labour government's fault, it was the Conservatives fault, maybe even UKIP's, the Greens, the SNP, or the DUP, provided they're given the time to make the case! It definitely wasn't the Lib Dem's fault though, because in their own closeted, delusional little world, they're the good guys! Don't forget, Nick and his band of Orange Book MP's have brought us windmills, lots and lots of windmills; and boy don't they look pretty! They're not worth a damn from an energy production point of view, but boy they look pretty, sticking out of the ground all over the place, not forgetting our traditional shorelines and seascapes as well.
And then we had Vicious Vince giving the conference delegates the benefit of his years of experience as an economist and a bitter back biting politician. If anyone had a dog that bit its feeder's hand that often, no doubt a shovel round the back of the ear might have come into play some time ago. For any prospective Lib Dem voters who were watching his speech, a bit of a stretch I know, it must have been a bit confusing trying to figure out what the message was. He wants to be leader, he doesn't want to be leader, he wants a pact with Labour, he doesn't want a pact with Labour, he wants to be in coalition with Cameron, he doesn't want to be in coalition with Cameron, he actually knows what he wants, he doesn't know what he wants? Answers on a postcard please!
Maybe it's just me, but the longer the coalition goes on the barmier and more delusional the Liberal Democrat leadership seems to get. Nick Clegg does know that his party lost the last election, does he? He does realise that most people DON'T agree with Nick any more does he? I only ask, because Mr Clegg seems to think and act like he's in government by right, rather than because of the Conservative's desperation at not having won a working majority in the General Election of 2010. Even with just under two years to go until the next national poll, the Liberal Democrats are already coming up with schemes to alienate hard pressed British voters, free meals for rich people's kiddies, more environmental madness that'll put our fuel bills through the roof, more taxes to punish the motorists who help drive our economy, what's not to like?
Listening to Nick Clegg today, I was reminded of one of those highly charismatic, but totally deluded leaders who heads one of those occasional suicide cults, who encourages his followers to drink the poison, in order for them to move on to a newer and better existence. His utter belief that the Lib Dem-Tory coalition has somehow changed our political system for the better is without foundation and is completely irrational, when one considers just how damaging this particular political partnership has been for both our economy and our country. Instead of one leader, one party with a single generally unified strategy, we have ended up with a mish mash of a political manifesto that serves neither parties real aims or objectives.
Sadly, as deluded as Mr Clegg might have become, as a result of his artificially created and completely undeserved position as Deputy Prime Minister, no doubt there will still be millions of British voters who will choose to believe that the Liberal Democrats have a vision for Britain in 2015 and will vote accordingly. One can only hope therefore that someone, somewhere will be able to dispel such dangerous illusions from their minds, before fate, or the vagaries of the British electoral system conspire once again to allow him and his party to gain so much as the slightest grip on the levers of power, as next time around they might do even more damage.         

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