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Saturday, 30 August 2014

Rotherham: The Tip Of A Multicultural Iceberg?

In some ways I am so glad to be in my mid-fifties and without any children, because quite honestly Britain is fast becoming an ultra-liberal multicultural hell-hole that no decent person,  in their right mind, would want to live in, assuming of course that they had any choice in the matter in the first place.
Nobody but nobody could have been anything but totally appalled by the shocking revelations regarding the recently announced child exploitation allegations coming out of Rotherham, where for a period of 16 years, between 1997 and 2013, an estimated 1400 young girls were reported to have been systematically exploited and sexually abused by groups of local men, many of whom were from the local Anglo Pakistani community.
The fact that these young girls were targeted, groomed and then sexually exploited by these men in the first place is bad enough, but bearing in mind that both the local childcare services and law enforcement agencies were not only aware of the issue, but then chose to ignore it, just helps to make the entire situation even more troubling and far more serious. One can only speculate as to what actions would have been taken by the authorities, had the case actually involved young Asian girls being sexually exploited and abused by gangs of white men, although one can only imagine that the response would have been entirely different and far more robust, than seems to have been the case thus far.
It is beyond comprehension that the authorities in Rotherham seem to have taken the view that the physical and moral safety of these young girls was obviously deemed to be far less important than the promotion and pretence of racial cohesion, or multiculturalism in the town, with the result that hundreds of young girls were sexually abused, raped, trafficked and physically threatened, whilst the perpetrators themselves were allowed to avoid responsibility, ostensibly because they happened to be of Asian heritage. Towards that end, it has even been suggested that the local police went to the trouble of actively trying to disprove the various allegations being made by some of the young victims, presumably in an effort to not only justify their own inaction and lack of detailed investigations, but also to ensure that the town's multicultural balance wasn't in any way disturbed by what was an unpalatable truth.
Such an intolerable situation begs the question, just what sort of country have we become that we allow some of our youngest and our most vulnerable children to be brutalised, terrorised and exploited, whilst at the same allowing their attackers to escape identification and legal retribution, all for the sake of an ill-thought-out political concept that has brought our country nothing but harm?
For most of us multiculturalism has added little significant benefit to our country, save possibly for the addition of colour, smell and flavour to our own rich and historic culture. Although there is no doubt that a minority of the immigrant community who have settled in our country over the course of the past 50 or 60 years have added significantly to the UK's economic performance, financial standing and cultural diversity, such perceived benefits must be seen in the round. For each of the individual benefits that might be attached to the arrival of some of the most well educated, well resourced and thoroughly integrationist migrants, one could just as easily identify many more less well educated, less well resourced and thoroughly divisive incomers having been allowed to set up home in the UK.
It is this second group of non-indigenous settlers who pose the greatest risk to our country, because rather than wishing to integrate and become one with the native British community, they simply want to exist here, outside of our customs, our culture, our laws, our social norms, living within their own isolated ethnic communities, but always within the safety of our national borders. Some, not all, are not even content to settle for type of isolated, insulated existence though; and expect, or in some cases even demand, that the majority white population, the 80-odd% of Britain's peoples, should not only accept their presence, but also elements of their own often backward way of thinking. As a result, we have a wholly unrepresentative 10% of the British population, mostly consisting of immigrant groups, demanding or expecting that the remaining 80-90% of the UK population should live by or simply accept their rules, their laws, their culture; that we should adapt for them, rather than the other way round. Is it any wonder then that foreign born extremism, isolationism and fundamentalism have become everyday features of our society, when in fact they have no real place here at all.
One suspects that one of the main causes of our country's many problems is the fact that we are far too tolerant for our own good; and that it is this underlying tolerance that encourages many of these same foreign born and foreign inspired perpetrators to break our longstanding laws, customs and conventions in the first place. Not only are they content to commit some of the most heinous acts imaginable, but they often do so in the full knowledge that our ultra tolerant and highly liberal society will fail to punish them in any sort of punitively meaningful way. How else can one explain instances like Rotherham, or the public slaughter of drummer Lee Rigby, or the Underground Train Bombings, or the attempted attacks on our airports and airliners, or the abuse of our soldiers, or even the disparaging of our War dead. In committing such criminal actions, not only are they breaking the law, but they're also displaying the sheer and utter contempt they feel for our indigenous population, our traditions, our customs, our history and our society as a whole. Even they, through their own revolting criminal actions are showing their own rejection of and opposition to this fabled idea of British multiculturalism that has been foisted on our society by current and previous generations of ultra liberal thinkers, who generally haven't had to live with the effects of their great social experiment.
There is of course a simple answer to the problem of our society reconciling a mixed variety of foreign customs, traditions, religions and social norms, which is for them to adapt to the larger pre-existing native culture of Britain and its peoples, purportedly the reason that most foreign migrants came to our country in the first place? Instead of us adapting for them, perhaps we should begin to insist, in a far less tolerant manner, that they adapt for us, or else they should find some other country to live their lives in. If migrants want to arrange marriages for their daughters, or restrict who they can or can't marry, if they want Imams to legislate over legal issues, if they want to slaughter live animals without pre-stunning, if they want to wear religious attire that instinctively separates them from wider society, if they want to mutilate the genitalia of their children, if they want to blow people up, chop off their enemies heads, or in fact carry out any such barbaric and medieval practices, then perhaps they should go and live in a country that condones or actively pursues such activities, but not here in Britain.
Although statisticians will undoubtedly show that the vast majority of children who are abused and exploited in this country every year are victims of indigenous white men, rather than Asians, or any other foreigner in general, that rather misses the point perhaps. We know after all that the UK is predominantly a country of white men, so common sense and logic would therefore assert that this particular group might be responsible for a greater number of such abusive outrages, as statistically they would be. It is also probably true to say that a smaller, but nonetheless regular number of Asian children suffer an equally abhorrent fate on a regular basis, mainly at the hands of adults within their own ethnic communities.
All that having been said however, what makes the Rotherham scandal all the worse is the sheer scale and brutality of the attacks visited on many of these young girls, to the extent that words such as "industrialised" have been used to describe the situation. Not only were large numbers of youngsters exploited by what appears to be a significant number of Asian men, but it has become obvious that the trade in these young girls went well beyond the limits of Rotherham, but also to towns and cities like Derby and Sheffield, suggesting that the problem is not just a localised issue, but possibly a regional, or even a national one. If we accept that Rotherham is possibly just the tip of a very large iceberg, then exactly how many British towns and cities have similar foreign sex gangs; and how many young children are regularly being brutalised, terrorised and exploited in such a way; and will we ever find out for sure, if other police forces and child protection services are as lazy, or as incompetent as those in Rotherham?

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