I'm sure that it's not just me,
who can see the yawning chasm that exists between what Prime Minister Cameron
will actually demand from his European counterparts; and what most British
citizens would like to see him deliver, when it comes to renegotiating the
specific terms of our EU membership prior to the European referendum that will
be held in 2016 or 2017.
This after all, is the same Prime
Minister who came perilously close to losing the Scottish Independence
Referendum, which would have seen the 300-year-old union between England and
Scotland finally broken and that ultimately resulted in Mr Cameron being forced
to offer the Scottish Nationalists the sort of concessions that they once could
have only dreamed of. But then that's what you can expect to happen when you
have an inexperienced British Prime Minister who not only lacks real political
gravitas, but is also missing the sort of patriotic fervour that one might
reasonably expect to be a basic requirement for that particular office of
Clearly though, Cameron has
absolutely no intention of demanding that Britain should regain its
historically sovereign right to control its national borders, in order to
counter the huge influx or migrant workers that have inundated the country over
the course of the past 20 years, as for him to do so, would directly contradict
one of the European Union's founding principles, that being the free movement
of labour.

Although it's been said before on
numerous occasions and with good reason, it is perhaps worth reiterating the
point that Prime Minister Cameron is, was and will always remain a committed
Europhile, presumably because he takes the personal view that Britain is
bigger, better and more influential within the bloc, than it would be outside.
Whether or not that's true surely depends on your personal viewpoint and
whether or not you believe that Britain in the 21st century is completely
incapable of managing its own national and international affairs, in terms of
its trade, finance, welfare, social services, diplomatic relations, energy,
education, transport, industrial manufacturing, immigration, agriculture or
fishing. After all, it's worth recalling that prior to our accession to the
European Economic Community in 1973 we had managed all of these various
national competencies quite well; and although we'd had various hiccups along
the way, successive sovereign British parliaments had done a pretty good job of
running the country for hundreds of years, prior to the EEC/EU being created.
Evidently though Prime Minister
Cameron and many of his parliamentary colleagues, on both sides of the chamber,
now seem to believe that they themselves are totally incapable of running our
country and would much rather hand many of those same vital responsibilities
over to un-elected foreign officials and administrators in Brussels and
Strasbourg. Which sort of begs the question, just what do we need Mister
Cameron and the rest of his parliamentary colleagues for, if our country's
major areas of responsibility are actually being decided by foreign officials,
administrators and representatives based in Strasbourg and Brussels?
Anyhow, to get back to the
subject of Prime Minister Cameron's so-called EU renegotiations that have been
much talked and speculated about in the British media recently. Given his full
and unwavering personal support for the European project generally, any hopes
that Prime Minister Cameron might genuinely attempt to reform the EU, let alone
consider taking the UK out of the Union, were always likely to prove difficult,
if not impossible, for him to contemplate. Despite his public rhetoric
regarding the hundreds of thousands of migrants who have arrived in this
country during every year of his premiership, in common with his predecessors
Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, Cameron almost certainly regards these
extraordinary migration figures as a price worth paying for our continued
membership of the EU.
However, in order to continue the
pretence of being the UK's most pragmatic Eurosceptic Prime Minister and
supposedly putting the needs of our country before all else, he has currently
invented a wholly deceitful strategy of trying to convince British voters that
the only meaningful way of controlling the high levels of immigration into the
UK, is by reducing or eradicating the single greatest "drag factor",
which in his opinion is the various Welfare Benefit Payments available to all
workers in Britain, foreign or domestic. By removing the rights of migrant
workers to receive such mandatory benefits for a period of at least four years,
Mr Cameron hopes that this measure alone will result in the number of migrants
coming to the UK each year falling from the hundreds of thousands that it is
now, to the tens of thousands that he previously hoped to achieve several years
Of course his strategy overlooks
several important factors, not least of which is that the new Welfare rules
that Prime Minister Cameron would need to introduce, in order to prevent any
new migrants from receiving such UK based entitlements, would almost certainly
be found to be discriminatory by the courts. Although today, the European Union
has found that Germany is perfectly entitled to withhold benefit payments from
new migrant workers for up to a period of three months, that is entirely
different to the British proposal to withhold payments for up to a period of
forty-eight months, which some foreign workers might argue is both unreasonable
and discriminatory.

Obviously those migrants who are
intent on exploiting the UK's fairly generous welfare system might well find
such sources unavailable to them for a period of time, be that three months or
four years, but either way, their mere presence in the UK will still allow them
unfettered access to our health and education services, our social services,
food banks, charitable institutions, legal services, housing stocks and at
least some form of living expenses, so what sort of loss are they really
suffering, were Prime Minister Cameron to get his way in Europe?
The reality of course, is that
Cameron's proposed measures are simply window dressing to try and convince the
British public that he is being tough on Europe, tough on migration and in
touch with the millions of British voters who are rightly concerned about the
numbers of foreign migrants who are inundating the country every year, with a
further three million expected by 2020. In truth however, Prime Minister
Cameron is not only being weak with Europe, by asking for virtually nothing in
his purported renegotiation with them, but is also being dishonest with the
British public, by promising them reductions in immigration numbers that will
almost certainly never be achieved, simply because of the free movement of
labour that is integral to the entire European project. It is only by
renegotiating or completely rejecting that particular treaty clause that
Britain and Prime Minister Cameron can ever hope to genuinely limit the numbers
of people arriving here every day; and Cameron loves Europe far too much, to
ever do that.
In bringing this specific post to
an end, it is also worth pointing out yet again that controlling our national
borders and the numbers of strangers who cross them every single day, is only
one particular aspect of our current EU dilemma; and even if Prime Minister
Cameron were to solve that (which he can't and he won't), there would still be
plenty of other problems to resolve. The immigration issue is just one of many
national competencies that successive British Prime Ministers have handed
control of to Europe; and if that were ever settled to our satisfaction, there
would still be the question of the others, including our trade, finance,
welfare, justice, social services, diplomatic relations, energy, education,
transport, industrial manufacturing, agriculture and fishing, to name just a
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